When you own a small business structured as an S corporation, it’s crucial to understand the rules that govern your corporation’s status. One key aspect of maintaining your S corporation
When it comes to legal settlements, the general rule is that payouts related to personal injury or illness are not subject to federal income tax. However, as with many aspects
In a recent case that highlights the severe consequences of tax evasion, a Newark construction business owner admitted to evading taxes by using a check-cashing scheme and failing to collect
Owning a vacation home or second property can be more than just a personal luxury; it can also be a strategic asset in your tax planning. By understanding how to
A recent case involving a Rochester businessman pleading guilty to a tax charge has highlighted the serious consequences of failing to meet tax obligations. This case serves as a cautionary
In a recent case that underscores the critical importance of tax compliance, Alabama chiropractor Gary Forrest Edwards was indicted on charges including tax evasion and filing false tax returns. Edwards
Charles Sorenson, a retired Delta Airlines pilot, was recently found guilty of multiple serious tax-related offenses, including tax evasion, filing false tax returns, failing to file tax returns, and making
The recent sentencing of Jess Adams, the former treasurer for the City of Houston, Alaska, serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities in financial management systems. Adams was handed
In a startling legal case that underscores the severe consequences of financial misconduct and tax evasion, Aaron Rossi, a former employee at Central Illinois Orthopedic Surgery, has been sentenced to
Internal theft can be a devastating blow to any business, large or small. A recent case involving Christine Fletcher, a personal assistant who embezzled over two million dollars from her