
8 Day Countdown to Tax Deadline-Deduct 100 Percent of Your Business Meals

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Thanks to a new law, you have the opportunity for writing off 100 percent of your business meals.

Since 1986, lawmakers have limited business meal deductions.  To qualify for the 100 percent deduction, a restaurant must provide you with the food or beverage.

You can deduct 100 percent if you dine in, order takeout, or use delivery.

The meal must be for business to qualify.

The Rules

  1. Your business meal must be ordinary and necessary business expenses.
  2. You may not deduct lavish or extravagant business meals
  3. you must be present at the meal

For 2021 and 2022, Congress gave businesses large and small an incentive to buy business-meal food and
beverages from restaurants, because such purchases are 100 percent deductible.

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