Salesman Spent Years Evading Taxes, Costing IRS $1 Million

He moved hundreds of thousands of dollars to banks in Switzerland to avoid the taxman.

 An Alabama salesman and tax defier pleaded guilty to tax evasion, admitting that he’d caused a loss to the IRS of more than $1 million.

According to court records, Ivan Scott Butler, of Hoover, Alabama, was an automobile industry consultant and sold automobile warranties as an independent salesman. In 1993, Butler stopped filing tax returns and attended tax defier meetings and purchased tax defier materials.

Starting in 1998, Butler used several Nevada nominee corporations to receive his income. In or around 1999, Butler moved hundreds of thousands of dollars, some in precious metals, to bank accounts in Switzerland and concealed his assets in offshore insurance policies held in the name of non-U.S. insurance providers, disguising his ownership of the funds. Such accounts, which generally are used as investment vehicles, are commonly known as “insurance wrappers.”

In 2014, Butler converted some of his insurance annuities into precious metals, which were shipped to Butler and another individual in the United States. Some of those precious metals were given to friends and family for safekeeping.

“Those who attempt to defy the laws … will quickly find that no one is above the law,” U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town said in a statement.

Butler faces up to five years in prison.